Welcome to CalFresh.

CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps) helps low-income people buy the food they need for good health. For most households, CalFresh benefits are only part of their food budget.


What is CalFresh?


CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps) helps low-income people buy the food they need for good health. For most households, CalFresh benefits are only part of their food budget. They must spend some of their own cash, along with their CalFresh benefits, in order to buy enough food for a month.

Individuals and families may be eligible to receive CalFresh benefits, whether or not they work, if they have low income.

Applying for, and receiving, CalFresh will not affect a person’s immigration status or the immigration status of that family.




For more information on Child Support Services visit https://www.sjgov.org/department/dcss/

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Helpful Numbers

Child Abuse Hotline

(209) 468-1333

Elder Abuse

(209) 468-3780 or
(888) 800-4800

Fraud Hotline

(209) 953-7733